If you are concerned about file-sizes and site-speed, you may opt to remove the branding image. Removing the branding image will reduce the script size by approximately 2k
Note: This optional text will only appear in the page-source and will not appear on the block screen. Site visitors will not be shown this legal text.:
Leave this section blank if you do not wish to include a legal disclaimer above the embeddable page code.
You can optionally fire a custom Google Analytics event each time the block screen fires
Leave this section blank if you are unfamiliar with javascript coding Google Analytics events.
Pro tip: Make sure you place the tag after your Google Analytics tag if you want to track ad blockers
Warning: Errors here can prevent BlockAdblock from working altogether.
e.g: _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'BlockAdblock', 'Yes', undefined, undefined, true]);
Page Counting will set a maximum number of pageviews that an adblock user can freely see before the "block screen" appears. You can enable Page Counting with either Block Mode or Nag Mode (above).
If Page Counting is not enabled, users will be blocked or nagged during their first pageview (which is the default).
Pro tip: Consider your average pageviews per visitor before setting this feature.
These advanced options should be used in situations where Adblock detection fails due to specific filter list entries.
NOTE: Advanced options may create intentional errors in the web console (invisible to normal web users) as part of the detection process.
These options should not be necessary in most standard use cases. If your site visitors are bypassing the standard BlockAdblock screen, these features provide extra layers of defense.
Be aware that these are beta features. If you experience any issues please report them.
When should you use these features? Specifically, if your site has been hit by $generichide, $elemhide or any specific, targeted filter. (You can search for domain-specific filters for your site here.)
Ad blocking has been called an "arms race" for a reason. As our defensive technology advances, their ad-blocking technology advances as well.
Enter your email address here, and we'll let you know when it's time to return to this page and update to the latest defenses.